Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Abusive Mothers Improve Their Parenting After Home Visits, Classes And Emotional Support From Therapists

Mothers who live in poverty and who have abused their children can stop if they are taught parenting skills and given emotional support. A new study has found that mothers in families in which there is a history of child abuse and neglect were able to reduce how much they cursed at, yelled at, slapped, spanked, hit or rejected their children after a series of home visits from therapists who taught them parenting skills. There were large improvements in mothers' parenting in families that received the intensive services, compared to families that did not receive the services, according to SMU psychologists Ernest Jouriles and Renee McDonald at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, two of...

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Columbus, Georgia child support lawyer

The Georgia Department of Human Resources, Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) helps children by enforcing parental responsibility to pay child support. All Georgia families have access to OCSS services, such as assistance in locating non-custodial parents, establishing paternity, establishing and enforcing child support and medical support orders, and collecting and distributing payments. The Courts in Columbus, Georgia cannot direct parents to pay for college. But, parents may agree to pay child support beyond the age of 18 or to pay for college expenses. Seek the help of an experienced Columbus, Georgia child support lawyer. Certain states charge interest on past due child support obligations. Interest may be charged to unpaid support at the rate determined by state law. In the these states, judgment interest generally is determined in child support matters in the same way it is in other civil cases. States that charge interest usually start its accrual on the day the relevant child support payment becomes due and unpaid. A state's decision to award interest rests on important public policy considerations. Many states believe that the award of interest compels obligors to pay their child support payments on time. Interest also gives the child a measure of compensation for his or her loss caused by the delayed of the child support payments. To know if you are entitled to for interest on past due child support in Columbus, Georgia, contact a Columbus, Georgia child support lawyer.

Columbus GA divorce lawyer & Georgia child custody attorney

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